Quite a cosy cafe with couple of small tables inside and a few outside on the side of the pavement. Very good coffee and variety of chocolate & biscuits, all quite pricey though. They've also got a beautiful collection of mugs, bottles, keychains, etc. but if you compare the prices, even internationally, you'll realise they overcharge a wee bit.
رسما از ما دزدي شد اينجا. يه ضدعفوني كننده دستمون كه قيمت بالايي هم داشت رو جا گذاشتيم روي ميز، وقتي كه برگشتيم توسط پرسنلش برداشته شده بود و برنگردوندن بهمون.
مديرش زير بار نرفت و برخورد غير محترمانه اي داشت.
اين كافه امانت دار خوبي نيست و
قدر مشترياشو نميدونه
for English users:
this cafe literally stole from us. we left something there, and when we came back to get it, they completely denied its existence.
quit disappointing...huh! the manager also was surprisingly impolite.