67 دیدگاه
رستوران پیله
رستوران پیله
رستوران پیله
رستوران پیله
رستوران پیله
رستوران پیله
مشاهده بیشتر
تهران، سعادت آباد، قره تپه ای
تهران، سعادت آباد، قره تپه ای

خوب و خوشمزه

۱۸ بهمن ۱۴۰۲.Ehsan

کاربر گوگل

برگر ها خیلی خوشمزه بود قطعا دوباره میام

۱۵ بهمن ۱۴۰۲.Shirin Moshiri

کاربر گوگل

اینجا روی طعم غذاهاشون مشخصه که خیلی کار کردن ، هم برگرها عالی هستن و هم پیتزا مخصوصا فیلادلفیا ، حتما امتحان کنید.محیط حضوری هم شیک مدرن و بسیار تمیز هست. فقط ۲ امتیاز از سرویس بیرون برشون کم میکنم چون نمک فلفل کوچیک و لیوان یکبار مصرف ندارن و معمولا نی و چنگال یادشون میره بزارن.

۱۸ دی ۱۴۰۲.amin avidzade

کاربر گوگل

یکی از بدترین‌ جاهایی که می‌شه برگر خورد! برگر تقریبا هیچ مزه‌ای نداره و تقریبا خامه. سرویسشون خیلی بده، ساعت ده به من گفتن که تا یازده و نیم سفارش می گیرن و وقتی ساعت ۱۱ رسیدم گفتن سفارش نمی‌گیرن! بعد از کمی فکر کردن گفتن اگه صبر می کنی و دیرتر سفارش می‌دی بشین. سسی که کنار غذا گذاشته بودن به وضوح مدت ها تو همون ظرف بدون هیچ حفاظی مونده بود و تغییر رنگ داده بود وقتی ازشون خواستم که عوض کنن رفتن یکی عین همون آوردن و توضیح دادن رنگ روش به خاطر اینه که مونده ولی خراب نشده! پول یک کیلو گوشت رو برای برگری می گیرن که بهترش رو تو معمولی ترین ساندویچی‌های شهر می‌تونید پیدا کنید.

۰۹ آذر ۱۴۰۲.Mohammad Mahdi Izadi

کاربر گوگل

غذاش خوب بود ولي يك ساعت و ربع طول كشيد اوردن.كلا براي همه طول ميكشيد .

۰۵ آذر ۱۴۰۲.morteza minooei

کاربر گوگل

Their food quality has gone down the drain. Their staff are by far worse. Probably the stiffest and most rugged staff you’ll encounter in your life. The staff here are not willing to accommodate your needs at all. If you have any dietary restrictions or follow a strict diet, they don’t give a damn! I told them the burger they brought me is rare and to please cook it more. They refused to do so and said no it’s a medium. I’ll leave the picture below for you people to judge for yourself!!! Very very poor service from their staff. I do like their food though but the attitude of their staff turned me away from stepping in this restaurant ever again. I hope the restaurant management sees this review and perhaps they take some sort of actions in regarding their atrocious staff!

۲۸ آبان ۱۴۰۲.Arya Malakouti

کاربر گوگل

Pileh is a fast food establishment that takes diners on a rollercoaster of culinary delights, although there are a few ups and downs along the way. The menu offers a diverse range of dishes, and for the most part, they deliver on taste. The standout items on the menu are certainly not the burgers. While they are decent, they lack the wow factor that you might expect from a place of this caliber. The real gem of Pileh is the staff. They are not only friendly but also impeccably neat and efficient. They add a touch of warmth and professionalism to the dining experience, making you feel welcomed and well taken care of. Their prompt service ensures that your orders arrive quickly, which is especially appreciated in a fast-food setting. Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room - the pricing. Pileh falls into the category of being on the expensive side of the fast-food spectrum. While the quality of the food and the service justifies some of the higher prices, it can be a significant drawback for those looking for a budget-friendly meal. The disparity between the cost and what you receive on your plate might leave a dent in your wallet. When it comes to ambiance, Pileh misses the mark. The restaurant's decoration leaves much to be desired. It's neither aesthetically pleasing nor cohesive in its design. The haphazard arrangement of decor elements can be distracting, and the overall visual appeal could use some improvement. In summary, Pileh is a mixed bag. The food offers a delightful journey through various flavors, but the burgers could use some enhancement. The staff are a shining beacon of positivity in your dining experience. However, the high prices might make you think twice, and the lackluster decoration doesn't quite add to the overall experience. Pileh has the potential to be an exceptional fast-food destination with a few tweaks here and there.

۰۳ آبان ۱۴۰۲.Airyana Waējah

کاربر گوگل

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